- 100,000 VNĐ
Hãng sản xuất: IKEA
Set 5 móc treo chữ S dài 6cm.
Sỉ & lẻ: 0904682858.
Xem hàng tại số 29 ngõ 11 Nguyễn Tri Phương - HN.
Ship toàn quốc.
- Use the hooks to store your kitchenware on the wall and fit more into your cabinets and drawers.
- Can be hung on KUNGSFORS rail.
- May also be used in high humidity areas.
- Please refer to packaging label for country of origin.
good to know
May be combined with other products in the KUNGSFORS series.
Only recommended for indoor use.
care instructions
Wipe clean with a cloth dampened in a mild cleaner.
Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
Product dimensions
Height: 6 cm
Max. load/hook: 4 kg
Package quantity: 5 pack
Product description
Stainless steel